Friday, March 6, 2020

19 Signs Youre Head Over Heels In Love With Your Guitar

19 Signs Youre Head Over Heels In Love With Your Guitar Sign up successful Making space for it in your home is a sure sign that youre really falling hard. Whether its a special practice corner or the iron throne, when you have a designated guitar spot youre showing how much you care. 3. You give your guitar hugs. You dont want to put your guitar down, even when youre not playing. If youve ever sat with your guitar in your lap, in total silence, you might be falling in love. 4. Youve slept with your guitar in the bed. This was a huge step in your relationship with your guitar, but youre so glad you made the plunge. Now you dont have to get out of bed in the morning to start playing guitar again. 5. You dream about your guitar. Its on your mind all day long, so of course its on your mind when you sleep too. 6. You would rather eat bugs than hurt your guitar. You always take good care of your guitar and would hate to put even the smallest dent in its finish. Even watching someone else hurt another guitar is torture. 7. Your phone is full of guitar photos. If youre flipping through your phone to find guitar selfie after guitar selfie, youve definitely given your guitar your heart. 8. Your guitar has a name. Just like B.B. King with his Lucille, you know youre a goner when youve named your guitar. 9. You stay up late to spend more time with it. If youre missing sleep for your guitar but you dont mind, it sounds like youre in love. 10. You buy your guitar lots of presents. Picks, straps, new strings Nothings too good for your baby! 11. You and your guitar have a special song or hundreds of special songs. And whenever your song comes on the radio, you think about playing it with your guitar. 12. Sometimes, your guitar is all you can talk about. Wherever you go, the word guitar is right on the tip of your tongue. 13. Sometimes, your guitar is the only one you can talk to. No matter what happens,  your guitar is there for you. 14. Everything makes you think about your guitar. Why cant you be together all the time? 15. You want to keep getting better, so you can impress your guitar with your skills. You practice every day, and youre always learning new things. Maybe, one day, youll be good enough for your guitar. 16. Youve introduced your guitar to your friends and your parents. When theyve met your parents, you know youre in the love zone. 17. Sometimes youre overwhelmed by how beautiful your guitar is. Is it real? And its really yours? 18. You dont mind carrying your guitar around. Wherever you go, your guitar can go too! 19. Playing guitar makes you happier than anything else in the world. At the end of the day, you know youre in love because you feel great. Colors are just a little brighter, sugar tastes a little sweeter, and life is better because you have your guitar by your side. Ready to take the next step in your relationship? Take the leap and sign up for guitar lessons! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

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